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International & Interstate Family Law

Our international family law attorneys provide legal support on a range of issues from child abduction to international and interstate child custody disputes.

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Experience in International Family Law

Buckley Law’s International and Interstate family law lawyers represent clients in matters involving civil child abduction, child kidnapping, international and interstate child custody disputes, and the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.

If you or your loved ones are dealing with family-related international child custody or child abduction, our International and Interstate family law attorneys in Oregon are ready to help with the advice and resources you need.

Our experienced International and Interstate Family Law attorneys include Katelyn Skinner and Katrina Seipel. Both are established attorneys licensed in Oregon and federal courts, and the Supreme Court of the United States. Katelyn and Katrina are well-versed in navigating the challenges an international family law case entails and collaborate with colleagues in other states and countries on interstate and international cases.

International & Interstate Family Law Services

  • International and Interstate Child Custody Disputes
  • International and Interstate Child Abduction and/or Child Kidnapping
  • Hague Convention Cases
  • International Divorce
  • High-conflict parenting plans
  • Custody and visitation rights across state or national borders
  • Enforcement of existing custody agreements or court orders
  • Changes of residency or citizenship and custody

Key Contacts

Katelyn D. Skinner


Katrina Seipel


International & Interstate Family Law Case Results

Katelyn Skinner and Katrina Seipel have extensive experience and expertise helping clients with international family law issues. The following are recent cases:

Hague Child Abduction Case  /  South Korea

Prevailed in Hague child abduction trial in Western Virginia US District Court where the court ruled the child was wrongfully taken from their habitual residence and defeating two defenses asserted by the taking parent

Travel with Child Outside Country  /  Japan

Acted on behalf of a client in a multi-day hearing resulting in a court ruling in our client’s favor allowing them to travel with child to Japan over objection of the other parent

Child Successfully Returned to Oregon

Represented a client, without Hague involvement, to have child successfully returned to Oregon after the child was removed from the country without clients’ knowledge or consent

Hague Child Abduction Case  /  United Kingdom

Prevailed in a Hague child abduction trial upon finding of no habitual residence and grave risk of harm defense

Hague Child Abduction Case  /  France

Secured dismissal of a Hague child abduction case in client’s favor upon court application of fugitive disentitlement doctrine

International Spousal Support  /  Ireland

Negotiated international jurisdictional issues between Oregon and Ireland, saving client from having to pay thousands each month in spousal support

Hague Child Abduction Case  /  France

Won a multi-day trial on a Hague child abduction case for a client with the court finding no wrongful removal of children

Hague Child Abduction Case  /  Serbia

Won a bench trial with mature child defense on a Hague child abduction matter

Hague Child Abduction Case  /  Mexico

Successfully had a client’s child returned after a multi-day Hague child abduction trial where the court ruled the child was wrongfully withheld from their habitual residence

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