Pay Retainer
We have partnered with LawPay to offer you a secure and easy way to pay your retainer with a debit or credit card.
This payment option is for new client matters or funds being requested that are to be placed into the trust account of the firm for future fees and costs. If you don’t have a file number, please put the client’s name in File # box on the online form. If you need to pay your bill please go to the Pay Bill page.
If you have any questions about paying by credit card, please feel free to contact us by telephone at 503.620.8900 or at
DISCLAIMER: By clicking the links above, you will be redirected to our secure payment portal operated by LawPay to process your transaction. LawPay’s online portal is certified as a Level 1 Service Provider, this being the highest security level available. For additional information regarding the privacy of your sensitive cardholder data, please read the LawPay Privacy Policy. A payment does not create an attorney-client relationship and one should not be inferred by the recipient. Such a relationship may only be created by both a written retainer agreement with Buckley Law P.C., signed by the attorney and potential client, and payment of agreed upon fees.